Witam wspaniałych chłopców. Mam pytanie dotyczące luzu pomiędzy skrzynią biegów a kołem napędowym. Trochę za mocno szarpie po odjęciu i dodaniu gazu, zwłaszcza na pierwszym biegu. Chyba że luz na tulei metalowo-gumowej drążka reakcyjnego wahacza może być aż tak ważny, jakieś sugestie lub odniesienia do tematów??
Hi Yahu, Google translate your questions so we don't have to:
"Hello great boys. I have a question about the play between the gearbox and the drive wheel. It jerks a bit too much after taking off and adding gas, especially in first gear. Unless the play on the metal-rubber bushing of the swingarm reaction bar can be that important, any suggestions or references to topics??"
Hi Yahu, Google translate your questions so we don't have to:
"Hello great boys. I have a question about the play between the gearbox and the drive wheel. It jerks a bit too much after taking off and adding gas, especially in first gear. Unless the play on the metal-rubber bushing of the swingarm reaction bar can be that important, any suggestions or references to topics??"
Answers for this question.
Make sure there is minimum slack in the throttle cables. Make sure it is tuned properly. Put a better map in it.
Also what year is the bike and has it been rollerised?
Yahu Tanabuso
Posts : 94 Join date : 2022-02-06 Age : 60
Subject: Re: GRiSO 1200 8v Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:43 am
Yes roler, 2012r.
Yahu Tanabuso
Posts : 94 Join date : 2022-02-06 Age : 60
Subject: Re: GRiSO 1200 8v Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:48 am
I have a request that I would like to direct to the appropriate department, because I get a little lost here because of not always a perfect translator. I would like to get a diagnostic program for my GRiSO 1200 8v 2012r. Please help me where and how to pay for the donation and how to proceed. I'm logged in so far using a smartphone and I think I'll have to activate it and download the program to upload and save on a laptop. At the moment, thank you for all your comments and help in the implementation of this project