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 Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash

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Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Empty
PostSubject: Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash    Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:25 pm

HI, I've seen a few posts recently regarding Digitek dashboard failures on the on the CARC bikes due to moisture ingress and subsequent corrosion. I'm particularly interested in the Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash as all are very similar. I have a 1200 Sport and thus far I've never seen any misting inside the instrument cluster so assume all is ok. As the failures cant always be repaired, I'm wondering if anyone has fitted a KOSO or similar type instruments as a replacement. Also wonder if a Stelvio dash would suit as a replacement.
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash    Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:09 pm

William,It would be easier to get a new/used dash for the Sport. There is functionality in there, such as an air pressure sensor, that is needed for the ECU mapping. Not sure of the Stelvio dash and whether or not it fits. Going to another brand would be a whole world of hurt - snot just plug 'n play...

Carmo used to repair these dashes, but I don't believe they are doing it any more.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash    Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Icon_minitime1Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:47 am

I understand the software for each dash is different. I don't believe they are interchangeable. I recall having this discussion some years ago. I bloke wanted to put a Stelvio dash on a Bellagio (or was it the other way 'round?).

Anyhoo, it didn't work.

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Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash    Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Icon_minitime1Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:42 am

A poster on WG reported swapping between, I think, a Norge and a 1200 Breva. Worked well enough. You might search there.

I considered finding a separate air pressure sensor, as used on other bikes, but lost interest. Changing to a generic dash wouldn't be trivial, I think.

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash    Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Icon_minitime1Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:45 am

The Norge, Breva and Sport all have the same dash with the noticeable difference of a different background colour (some black, some white) - otherwise should go straight on. Dunno about the key check bit though... I think you need the keys that come with the dash though.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash    Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Icon_minitime1Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:58 am

I tried this once using a Norge, (I think?) dash on an 850 Breva. It worked, but the indicators didn't and their operation is controlled by the dash. Not sure what the issue was but I suspect the pin-out is different between models.

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Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash    Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash  Icon_minitime1

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Breva 1100/1200, Sport 1200 and Norge 1200 dash
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