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 oil pressure sign on

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Pawel Spoon
Pawel Spoon

Posts : 170
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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1Sat Mar 04, 2023 3:30 pm

Hi there,
did change the oil incl. oil filter during the last winter. tried not to fill in too much.
however since then, red oil lamp is on.
i did add 3 times now 100ml, no difference.
is any other reason for that lamp to be on ?
thanks !

i did start with 3l straight, then added 200, now 100 more
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: Re: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:54 pm

It's a pressure warning. Not a quantity warning.

When you changed the filter did you make sure the gasket for the old filter came off?

Clear any codes in the dash and try starting it again. Then re-check the codes, especially DS. 07 & 08.

Check and replace the oil pressure sender switch.

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Pawel Spoon
Pawel Spoon

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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: Re: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:06 am

the old filter is no longer in my garage, but i assume i would have noticed a missing gasket. at least i would have me made wonder. (which i still might remember Smile )
i will check the error codes in the afternoon (after skiing)
thanks !
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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: Re: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:05 am

The tightening torque of a filter with a new gasket is 15 Nm.
So you need a torque wrench an the right filter tool
"Handtight" is not good enough here.

Too much oil is never good enough, it will all end up in the airbox and throttle bodies.

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Pawel Spoon
Pawel Spoon

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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: Re: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:15 pm

too much oil: thats why i did start rather low ..
torque: none of the shops hat the right tool / nut for the filter. wasted a half day checking all shops in my ctty incl. louise.
so not sure about the appled torque.

i ve read the faults: none
i ve cleared them and started: no red light

so, assuming that i had slightly less oil then needed and that cause the pressure problem.
after filling it up, i should have reset the faults?


I did a 15 mins ride and no red light.
i did then suck out 300ml of oil again which would lead to another question:
how the heck do you measure the oil level ?
the stick is just a joke. its more guessing then anything.

i have put a ruler ..

Last edited by Pawel Spoon on Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: Re: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:22 pm

Austria? Just Google and order online:
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I found this octagon type on ebay:
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: Re: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:44 pm

When you first installed the filter did you pre-fill it? If not then it takes a few seconds to fill and this may of been time enough to trigger the light as you're running zero oil pressure as it fills.

As I said before, the light is triggered by pressure, not volume. Being a few hundred ml low will not trigger the light. The oil level has to be below the pick up for that to happen and that means 1/2 a litre or less.

As has been stated many times before the factory specifies way too much oil. When changing the oil fill with the bike upright. Pre-fill the filter before installation then add enough oil so that it is half way between the 'Add' and 'Full' marks with the stick just resting on the threads. Do not add any more unless the level drops off the stick. Unless there is something wrong with your engine it won't burn it but it will pump out any excess due to crankcase pressurisation. If you keep topping it up it will simply keep pumping it out and you'll end up with a gummed up stepper motor and damaged throttlebodies.

Once you have ascertained the 'Correct' level for your engine you can check the level on the sidestand. Wherever it sits on the stick? That's your 'Full' mark.

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Pawel Spoon
Pawel Spoon

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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: Re: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:47 am

Hi Pete,
thanks !
i did prefill the filter, and i did start with 3.0 liters as i did read about too much oil here in the ghetto.
its a while ago as mentioned but i do remember that after the first start, the light went on.
i have then added the first 100 ml ..

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Pawel Spoon
Pawel Spoon

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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: Re: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:35 pm

tool arrived yesterday. filter was way too loose.
wife is sleeping so can not start the engine right now, buti i guess problem solved
thanks !

--- update ----
lamp would stay for two more days and two more resets.
today, after standing for some hours in the sun, the lamp went of

Very Happy

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oil pressure sign on Empty
PostSubject: Re: oil pressure sign on   oil pressure sign on Icon_minitime1

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