Subject: Play in the CARC Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:56 am
I have a 2012 Norge with 84,000 miles and I recently regreased the swingarm bearings and shock linkage. Everything looked fine as far as those bearings go but I noticed what feels like loose wheel bearings when I hold the wheel at the top and bottom and wiggle it back and forth. It is just the tiniest bit of movement but it's there. I can't feel any if I do this holding the wheel front to back. I am the original owner and have not noticed any unusual noises and there is no oil leakage. Is this a sign my final drive is on the way out? I posted on the wildguzzi forum and they recommended I ask here since Peter Roper has such extensive knowledge of the CARC.
Pete Roper GRiSO Capo
Posts : 10635 Join date : 2013-05-29 Age : 67
Subject: Re: Play in the CARC Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:46 am
It's quite common and a frequent source of garment rending and gnashing of teeth but while I can't offer any real explanation for it the fact is it seems to mean nothing. The two main support bearings for the reactive bridge are C3 so there is going to be a tiny amount of play. My guess is that on some machines it manifests itself more than others.
Bottom line is that if you do have a problem with the bearings carrying the reactive bridge it is most likely to be the larger, single row race closest to the wheel. Thing is if this develops undue play, (Usually due to brinneling of the races.) the big seal adjacent to the wheel will cry 'Uncle' long before any kind of catastrophic failure and you'll end up with oil all over the rear wheel and brake. If your seal is still holding oil then it is very, very unlikely you have any sort of a problem.
Very early, 2005/6 boxes had a problem with that large bearing as they cheaped out and used a shitty Polish bearing with only 17 balls and a feeble, poorly constructed cage. There was actually a recall on those and all later boxes use a 19 ball race with a much sturdier cage that rarely, if ever, gives problems.
Most CARC bevelbox related issues are down to the pinion nut loosing its preload and if you're having the box off at any point it's always worth checking and applying a few drops of Loctite 'Super wick-in' to the nut but generally they are very reliable.
I did see your enquiry on WG. It's worth noting that even the factory says you can replace the bearings that support the reactive bridge and although the reactive bridge itself is supposedly un-rebuildable and the factory never supplied parts as long as the crownwheel and pinion are sound it is perfectly possible to rebuild one. All the bearings are common units made to ISO standards and the retainers are MB nuts and washers from SKF. No powdered unicorn horn or pixie dust required.......
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Napoleon Squinternotto
Posts : 2 Join date : 2023-04-29
Subject: Re: Play in the CARC Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:33 pm
Thank you sir! You took a weight off my mind. I suspect it's been like that for quiet some time and I never noticed it.