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 Can someone identify these cut wires?

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Join date : 2023-07-01

Can someone identify these cut wires? Empty
PostSubject: Can someone identify these cut wires?   Can someone identify these cut wires? Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:10 am

I came across them doing the right side valve adjustment today. I've seen it mentioned that the GRiSO came with an accessory plug for a Tom Tom GPS unit so I'm hoping these are those same wires:

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Can someone identify these cut wires? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone identify these cut wires?   Can someone identify these cut wires? Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:41 am

They look like them. If the yellow wire has a black stripe as well, then definitely.

Should be 12V on them with the engine running.

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Can someone identify these cut wires?
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