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 New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100

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New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Empty
PostSubject: New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100   New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:08 pm

Removing original turn signals and replacing them with LED lights caused a warning on the dash that a light was out. All my newly installed lights were working properly. Is there a way to reset the checking function to accurately reflect the true status of the lights?
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100   New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:45 pm

You need to fit a resistor in series as the current draw of the LED's is so small the dash thinks that they are a blown incandescent globe.

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New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100   New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:01 pm

Thanks, Pete, Because I am not much of an electrician I must ask, What specification is the required resistor and where in the circuit ought it be inserted ? will each light require one? I really appreciate your prompt advice on this.
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100   New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:15 pm

One for each signal. Available at any auto parts place. Tell them what you want them for. They aren’t spendy. Wired in series I believe.
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New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100   New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:36 pm

Thanks again, Pete. I will get right on it.
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GRiSO Capo
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New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100   New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 22, 2023 8:28 pm

The arguments for parallel or series install of the resistor litter the interwebs. For the GRiSO, the dash doesn't care. It just wants to see a load. Since the front and rear indicators share a common ground at each end, I would just stick one resistor in series in the grounds at each end, then laugh maniacally.

Use 20W wire-wound resistors.

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New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100   New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 23, 2023 8:56 am

Thanks, Beetle. God grant you many years!…as I may have further questions.
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PostSubject: Re: New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100   New LED turn  lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100 Icon_minitime1

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New LED turn lights for my 2007 GRiSO 1100
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