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 Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting

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Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Empty
PostSubject: Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting   Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:04 am

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I'm about to start attempting a throttle balance.. I got a CarbTune Pro and I have the tubes all set up and was ready to start hooking things in after I closed the air bleed screws, now I'm feeling dumb again, and don't want to mess things up. The fitting doesn't fit in the screw hole I'm guessing is the right screw hole.. and it doesn't stay connected to the bottom part of the screw where the hose connected to it is either.

So am I just at the wrong spot? Do I have the wrong size hose fittings? I've tried following instructions from some of the posts on here but I'm NEW to all this sorta work and sometimes pictures hell for dummies like me.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting   Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:37 am

You remove the small banjo fitting and thread the hose adaptor, which has a 6mm thread, into the manifold. The Carbtune usually comes with two sets of adaptors, one set uses a 5mm thread, the other 6mm.
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Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting   Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:08 am

Pete Roper wrote:
You remove the small banjo fitting and thread the hose adaptor, which has a 6mm thread, into the manifold. The Carbtune usually comes with two sets of adaptors, one set uses a 5mm thread, the other 6mm.

I can't believe it was something as stupid as that.. I didn't even try the other hoses or notice they were different since I had it hooked up already to the manometer.. thank you for not making fun of me haha
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PostSubject: Re: Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting   Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:22 am

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NOW we're ready to attempt this

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PostSubject: Re: Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting   Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:16 pm

I finished the balancing, not nearly as difficult as I thought after I completed it. But now I've got a pretty high idle, am I able to adjust that with the GuzziDiag tool or is that something else?
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting   Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 18, 2023 1:30 pm

No, the target idle is hard coded into the ECU, it can't be 'Physically' adjusted. With the balance correct what is your TPS reading? What is the idle speed?
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Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting   Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 18, 2023 1:41 pm

Before I shut it off TPS is reading 4.7 but I'm idling around 3,000 RPM which is way too high, that was while the bike was hot however so I don't know if it's going to idle differently on a cool engine, either way I need to fix it
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting   Carb tune pro tube placement/fitting Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 18, 2023 2:09 pm

Yup, way too high. Does the idle speed change at all when you perform the stepper test with Guzzidiag?

If not it might be worth simply blocking the hose to the stepper motor and seeing if that slows it down.
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