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 Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this???

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Empty
PostSubject: Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this???   Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:11 pm

The saga of the blown up GRiSO I bought continues. So it's now rollerised, new barrel, piston and head and so it's off with the sump. What does Michael find? Some oaf has been in there before and both sump and spacer are glued on with pints of Sicaflex!Evil or Very Mad So that's another couple of hours of scraping and cleaning up unnecessary mess that shouldn't be there!

It'll be a nice bike by the time he's finished but JFC who are these 'Professionals' who are so shonky and clueless?

This is the same bike that had the rocker arm drilled to take a piece of 8mm mild steel rod because they'd bust the valve adjuster. Hence the top end carnage.

Dunno how many k's it's done because the battery is dead as a door nail and we haven't lit it up yet but our experienced eyes reckon about 30-35,000 Km. How do you destroy so much shit in such a short time?!! scratch

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this???   Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:57 pm

Shaed apes masquerading as service agents or just plain old fucktards

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this???   Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:44 pm

I fart in their general direction!

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Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this???   Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:58 am

i knew people able to destroy a suzuki sacs No
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Fra Cristoforo
Fra Cristoforo

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Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this???   Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:10 am

They don't make pro's like they used too in the 70's. Here if you sell chineese scooters you can be a Guzzi dealer!! You don't have to know shit, just buy all there bikes. They closed the place for school & warranty. I guess it's not their priority any more. All EXPERTS cause they watched youtube.
SAD STATE. Glad I ride old shit.

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Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this???   Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:07 pm

I noticed a funny looking orange gasket line,the first time I dropped the sump on my new to me,California Vintage;

I thought I had discovered some fancy,good for life,silicon gasket I had never seen before,,,

No,,,it had been sealed with some type of thick orange goop,,,, dried like rubber,,,but stuck like glue,,, what a ph#qng mess to clean up,,,

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PostSubject: Re: Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this???   Sweet buggering fuck! Why do people do this??? Icon_minitime1

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