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 Tuning on a 2016

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Tuning on a 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Tuning on a 2016   Tuning on a 2016 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 25, 2024 10:22 am

Sometime back I posted on another thread, that I can’t find now, about a buddy who’s a long time Guzzi rider and the contact in Tucson where I live now for the MGNOC. He’s not a computer guy but seems to know the old bikes pretty well. Last post was that his bike idles high when he starts it and then settles down shortly there after. So, yesterday we hooked up the Morgan throttle body tuner to see what it would tell us. His bike has 13,000 miles on it. He got it at 2,000 miles from the local dealer (On Any Moto). It had a canisterectomy already performed. Before doing anything to it, we hooked it up. At between 3-4K rpm’s the two sides were pretty equal but at idle the right side was much lower than the left. In checking the air bleeds, both were closed. So I opened up the left side air bleed until they were pretty equal. At 3-4K rpm’s, things were still good.
This bike didn’t have the nipples on the throttle bodies like mine so we had to put in the nipples that come with the Morgan tuner. My colleague wanted to leave them in and cap them with some small plastic caps he bought. When he rode home, he said the bike would idle high sometimes (1800 rpm) at a stop and sometimes it would be OK. We decided it would be best to put the original plugs back in and see how it does, they could have been leaking. He’s riding today so I’m waiting to hear back. The other thing was that I checked the TPS and like last time (months ago) it read 4.6 so I did a TPS reset and it started showing 4.6 and it would flip to 4.7 and back. Any ideas of why it won’t get to 4.8?
The sacred screw has never been touched nor the balancing screw.

Thank you.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Tuning on a 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tuning on a 2016   Tuning on a 2016 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:51 pm

When not being used for balancing the ports in the inlet manifolds should be capped/blocked. TPS reset should be carried out after the high speed balance. The low speed balance adjustment using the air bleed won't affect anything.

Has it run for any length of time with the oil level at 'Full' on the stick? If it has the chances are the stepper motor is clogged with oil. Check its connection to the airbox is on and the hose is connected to the stepper itself and try cleaning the stepper by spraying some throttlebody cleaner into the intake hose while goosing the throttle. Do the same while running the stepper test with Guzzidiag and see if the stepper frees up. Run the oil no higher than half way between the 'Add' and 'Full' marks on the stick.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Tuning on a 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tuning on a 2016   Tuning on a 2016 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 25, 2024 1:13 pm

Thanks Pete. We don’t think it was ever overfilled with oil. No signs of that and Derrell seems to know this issue. We’ll check the stepper/ clean and do the test.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Tuning on a 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tuning on a 2016   Tuning on a 2016 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 25, 2024 1:39 pm

Typically late model GRiSO's will sit at 4.7 or 4.8.

4.6 isn't common, but not untenable. The 2V engines seem to be happy at 4.6/4.7.

Have a look at the Throttle value in GuzziDiag while it's idling. Typically they will flicker around 5.0/5.1 at idle.

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I like to ride my GRiSO, no diggity, I like to rev it up..
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Tuning on a 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tuning on a 2016   Tuning on a 2016 Icon_minitime1Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:33 am

Thanks Beetle. Will do.
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