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 Tyre or suspension setting issue?

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Tyre or suspension setting issue? Empty
PostSubject: Tyre or suspension setting issue?   Tyre or suspension setting issue? Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:49 am

Hi guys,

I have been using the Bridgestone BT023 for a while (3 sets at least up to now) and all my tyres (front & rear) end up showing a raised trailling edge (exit edge).
Typically this is associated with a too fast rebound, but I am already riding with 1 turn off in the front (1 in the Manual) and 17 clicks off in the rear (as manual). In fact when I push the suspension down the rebound seems to slow, specilally in the rear.

- This could not come from a too slow rebound, right? I once tried to go in the opposite direction accelerating the rebound front and rear but didn't liked the behavior of the bike...moving around too much...
- Has any of you ever experienced the same thing with the BT023s?
- Could this also be related with my riding?

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Tyre or suspension setting issue? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tyre or suspension setting issue?   Tyre or suspension setting issue? Icon_minitime1Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:07 am

Let me see if I can spice this up a little bit Smile ....
Below is what, in my mind, could be a tyre/asfalt interaction that could cause the formation of a raised trailing edge.
Like I said, this is commonly related to a too fast rebound.
It makes sense for the front wheel....The bike bounces back to fast raising the tyre from the ground, and when the tyre comes back in contact with the ground creates this kind of effect. But what about the rear tyre? If the bike is under acceleration it should have the opposite effect, right?

And what if you have a too hard compression setting and a too slow rebound setting? When you hit a bump the shock is not able to absorb the hit and kicks the bike up. The rebound, being too slow, makes the tyre lose contact with the ground. When the tyre gets back in contact creates the effect seen (again, under acceleration could be different in the rear tyre).

Also, if you do trail braking in the curves couldn't this be an expected effect?

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rick pope
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rick pope

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Tyre or suspension setting issue? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tyre or suspension setting issue?   Tyre or suspension setting issue? Icon_minitime1Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:47 am

I can't imagine how rebound damping could cause that feather edge, but braking, especially trail braking, does cause it. Mine do the same. because I'm fat, and brake hard going into corners.
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Tyre or suspension setting issue? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tyre or suspension setting issue?   Tyre or suspension setting issue? Icon_minitime1Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:52 am

Hi Rick,
It's a common statement in the net that these feather edges are caused by rebound speed: lead edge raised --> to slow; trailing edge raised --> to fast.
See example here : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Tyre or suspension setting issue? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tyre or suspension setting issue?   Tyre or suspension setting issue? Icon_minitime1

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