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 Custom Exhaust for 1100

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Join date : 2014-09-17

Custom Exhaust for 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Custom Exhaust for 1100   Custom Exhaust for 1100 Icon_minitime1Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:16 pm

Well this took a long time...

I started with an original exhaust (1100) that the previous owner had begun disassembly of.  I took the first stage, which holds the pre-cat and welded an extension with modified db-killer.  The new, smaller can holds a baffled dbkiller pipe that is only a few inches long.  This is the sticking point we found.  In order for the exhaust to flow in a similar fashion to the old we bored a series of 5/16 holes to roughly equal the diameter of db killer.

And by some miracle we got close enough to the original restriction, and the fact that the 1100 isn't too tempermental.  It works!  No pop, no hesitation, just some aggressive noise!  Not too loud but it gets your attention.  I put this on just outside the fabrication shop and we got some attention.

Haven't put too many miles on her yet...  I'm excited to try this with Beetles new map, that he so kindly sent me.

Its missing some paint but it fits, uses the same supports on the passenger pegs, works with the factory map, sounds awesome and is relatively inexpensive.

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Now time to make some miles... cheers

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Custom Exhaust for 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Custom Exhaust for 1100   Custom Exhaust for 1100 Icon_minitime1Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:14 pm

Actually a good idea.
The factory can is not ugly, just too big in diameter.
So if you manage to make that smaller, good on you. Thumbs Up
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Join date : 2014-09-17

Custom Exhaust for 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Custom Exhaust for 1100   Custom Exhaust for 1100 Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:46 am

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Custom Exhaust for 1100 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Custom Exhaust for 1100   Custom Exhaust for 1100 Icon_minitime1

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