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 Checking Oil

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Pete Roper
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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:30 am

let me preface by stating that I have been riding for most of my life.

Having read the manual many time I just don't understand the method for checking the oil level on my 2016 GRiSO. Once the engine is warm you burn the shit out of your hand trying to get the dip stick out then once it is out, its black and you cant see any oil on the stick. Am I missing something? I know that there is oil in the bike, and the light always goes out almost instantly when cranking. Does anyone have a easier to read stick or a better method to checking.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:49 am

Rough the edge of one of the ribs on the stick up with a file, it makes it a lot easier to read.

Check the level with the bike upright and the stick just resting on the threads. It should be half way between the 'Add' and 'Full' marks. Once you know it's right measure it again with the bike on its side stand. Note where it is on the stick and that is your top up mark for future refference.

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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:21 pm

How much time should the engine run for addecuate oil level to be checked? Is 1 minute enough?
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1Fri Nov 30, 2018 5:35 pm

Jhtjon wrote:
let me preface by stating that I have been riding for most of my life.

Having read the manual many time I just don't understand the method for checking the oil level on my 2016 GRiSO. Once the engine is warm you burn the shit out of your hand trying to get the dip stick out then once it is out, its black and you cant see any oil on the stick. Am I missing something? I know that there is oil in the bike, and the light always goes out almost instantly when cranking. Does anyone have a easier to read stick or a better method to checking.


For sure the GRiSO dipstick is atrocious, I've considered spray-painting mine white except that the paint will probably dissolve in the oil. Rolling Eyes
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1Fri Nov 30, 2018 6:44 pm

jretanacr wrote:
How much time should the engine run for addecuate oil level to be checked? Is 1 minute enough?

No need to run it at all. Half way between the 'Add' and 'Full' marks with the bike upright and then check it on the sidestand and note where the level is.
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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:23 pm

Someone needs to come up with a stick that you can remove without a wrench, one of my other Guzzis had one that plugged into an "O" ring fitted into the filler plug.

Another option would be to have a level switch at the tip.

I always have a bit of shop rag, lay the stick on that, you get a darker stain up to the oil level, usually dry it off first then dip it back in.
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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:35 pm

Kiwi_Roy wrote:
Someone needs to come up with a stick that you can remove without a wrench, one of my other Guzzis had one that plugged into an "O" ring fitted into the filler plug.

Another option would be to have a level switch at the tip.

That's a Stelvio dipstick, same sump... I much preferred the dipstick in my Stelvio to the one in my GRiSO - So a Good Samaritan sourced one for me and I was thankful.

Part Number: 883144

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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kiwi dave
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kiwi dave

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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1Mon Dec 10, 2018 2:10 pm

Probably won't apply to the earlier GRiSO 1100; that has a different sump, I recall.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1Mon Dec 10, 2018 2:47 pm

Nope. Same sump.
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Checking Oil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Checking Oil   Checking Oil Icon_minitime1

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