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 Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride Empty
PostSubject: Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride   Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride Icon_minitime1Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:22 pm

Gents, I am looking at several options for a Labor day Ride. I've pretty much wore out the Olympic Peninsula, as far East as Leavenworth and South as Mt ST Helens, and looking for options. I have 4 days off from work and want to RIDE! Will pack a small sleeping bag and tarp/poles with bungees, but plan on roach coach motels for the 3 nights. Will do all these eventually, and leaning towards the South to the Redwoods, but I really want to see Canada and Lake McDonald, want to see if North West Canada is as awesome as the NE.  NS and PEI are two of my favorite places on the CONUS.  Open to suggestions too, these are just first drafts. I'd like to hit Glass Beach in CA, but that is a bit too far unless I take super slab and want to limit that.

Ride 1 - Ride North into Canada, through Victoria, up on that Peninsula thing then back

Ride 2 - Ride West out to Lake McDonald

Ride 3 - Ride South on the Coast to / through the Redwoods

Appreciate any and all feedback and welcome anyone who wants to come along.[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride   Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride Icon_minitime1Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:06 am

I can't comment on the US side, but Vancouver Island is absolutely spectacular. If you have time to make a detour to Tofino (west coast of the Island) you should do that: I think it is the most incredible coastline I have ever seen.
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Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride   Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:08 pm

California Loop: See excellent route suggestion from Harry [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. This will get you started from Salem, OR.

Avoid the Oregon coast. Lovely but typically choked with Winnebagos. Strongly suggest you extend the loop a little bit south if you can. CA Highway 3, Yreka to Hayfork is stunning. CA Highway 36 to the coast will leave you gibbering with adrenaline and theosophical wonder.

Canada Route: Strongly concur that Tofino is not to be missed. Only problem is that it is a deadend. Good call on the Sunshine Coast loop to east coast of Vancouver Island. Alternate, for another day, is Whistler - Pemberton - Duffy Lake - Lilloett, then east...
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PostSubject: Re: Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride   Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Ride Icon_minitime1

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