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 Newcastle Australia weekend ride

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PostSubject: Newcastle Australia weekend ride    Newcastle Australia weekend ride  Icon_minitime1Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:30 am

Hi All
Went for a ride last weekend on the GRiSO, just myself and Leanne my wife.
Stayed at my sister in laws in Newcastle NSW Australia as she was away for the weekend.
She lives in the old wool broker building, restored with units built inside, cool restoration.
First long ride all loaded up on the GRiSO, found out the rear shock is crap and needs a re-valve and a better spring.
Even Leanne said just fix it, so that's a plus given the ok to do it. Was that my plan all along?Rolling Eyes 
Headed out to Stroud and we followed the rain, only hit two spots that rained and it only lasted 500 meters.
Stroud, small town very relaxed, said do want a beer and Leanne said OK so over to the pub.
I had a ginger beer as I never ride after drinking alcohol, lot different when the days over though.
Had two guys stop and check my bike out and they were impressed.
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Headed out to Dungog another small town for lunch at the pub there, the roads are normal narrow bumpy Australia back roads.
I don't mind these as it keeps the speed down and are good for just cruising, when your rear shock is ok.
Leanne ended up with a sore backside as we did the pump stop shuffle.
Not a lot of traffic which is all ways good, couple of bikes which gave a wave.
Guys the chicken pot pie was awesome for lunch and only $10.00.
Most pubs have the $10.00 lunch special.
Dungog pub with Leanne who was a trooper sitting on the bike.
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From Dungog we headed back to Newcastle, we did a loop although I mist a turn and cut the ride in half.
Leanne didn't mind as we needed to get her backside home at that point.

Next day we headed home and did another loop out through Wollombi a small town that used to be a timber town many years ago.
The road was bumpy and I found the 75kms was the best, and it was posted at 80 anyway.
Nice and windy, good bike road, pub for lunch cost about $5.00 more but it is really out of the way and the place is just very relaxing,on a weekday anyway.
Some pic's of Wollombi.
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Headed back the to hwy and had one last stop, the Pie in the sky shop.
This shop is on the old hwy and used to cater for all the traffic heading north out of Sydney before they built the freeway.
Right on the edge of the mountain and a view down the the Hawksbury river.
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From there we headed home through the traffic of Sydney.
Just as I was come up a slight rise on the old hwy I thought what a place to park a car, white with a big thick ariel on the back.
Shivers me timbers a cop car, I could see the radar on his dash through the back window, 68 kms on my speedo 60 zone.
Hit brakes and check my mirrors and what the F#$k on goes the red & blue lights.
Shit oh well do the crime do the time, but the Guzzi gods were looking after me, he span around and went the other way.
Picked up someone heading in the other direction, Leanne said my head was going from one mirror to the other every 5 seconds, when I told her why she said now I understand what was going on.
All up a good weekend out.

Regards Harry

Last edited by Grisodude on Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Newcastle Australia weekend ride    Newcastle Australia weekend ride  Icon_minitime1Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:19 am

Thanks for the nice report Harry. Seems like a fine weekend out, a vernal loop from the southern hemi. Beautiful countryside. Missed the gratuitous shots of Leanne though...

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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Age : 64

Newcastle Australia weekend ride  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newcastle Australia weekend ride    Newcastle Australia weekend ride  Icon_minitime1Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:05 pm

Hey Steak
All adjusted, Leanne was awesome on the weekend being very uncomfortable.
Looking at options to fix the problem.

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PostSubject: Re: Newcastle Australia weekend ride    Newcastle Australia weekend ride  Icon_minitime1

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