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 GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How?

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GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Empty
PostSubject: GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How?   GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:34 pm

Hey Guys,

Picked up an 8v 'cosmetic' write off.
Still quite a bit of work to rego/roadworthy.

Since I have a factory spec 2015 was 'thinking could have some least ideas in my head.

You know...crazy scrambler/flat-track thing or track only,
think Daytona fairing...white Veglias Smile

Anyway...How hard /easy is not to use the dash (coded keys) ie if I do away with completely am I bypassing security anyway or is there more in the ECU side?

Any help welcome. And yes I know nothing beats GRiSO original look but this is a chance as second bike with THAT engine to have some fun.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How?   GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:06 pm

ECU has an immobilizer connection to the dash. Immobilizer aerial is connected to the dash. Dash recognises key -> dash tells ECU "Hellooo! Start possible".

No "hellooo!", no start.

If you know the CAN signal, you could probably emulate a permanent "hellooo!"

..Or find the immobilizer flag in the map, and switch it off.


Not much help, am I?

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GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How?   GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:15 pm

No...that is very helpful...coz now I know there is the ECU side of it....and that I should leave it alone Cool
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Fra Cristoforo
Fra Cristoforo

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GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How?   GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:22 pm

On the test bench the 5am looks like to work when dash is not connected. You only need to make the startcircuit outside the dash. For an easy try, take dash connector out, key on, and make a connection between the big and small wire at the back of the starter engine. That should turn the engine and might run too.
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GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How?   GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How? Icon_minitime1

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GRiSO 8v without OEM dash - How?
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