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 Are there common faults with old Grisos?

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PostSubject: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu May 24, 2018 6:24 am

I have a 2 valve per head GRiSO, having fallen in love with the model early on.It has only 13K (miles) on it, since it's a sunny day,local ride bike,and I have another bike (Norge,2valve) for the Long haul.
What I'm wanting to know is if there are any known common failures to watch out for, specific to the 2 valve head model.
What is it that requires rollerisation of the 4 valve head, but not (I hope) the 2 valve?
Thanks in advance for any answers,
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Fra Cristoforo
Fra Cristoforo

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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu May 24, 2018 7:25 am

Pretty flawless, just the normal CARC issues about greasing things. If you find any faults let us know.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu May 24, 2018 7:32 am

I will let you know if the bike has any failures.I sure do love it, it's very torquey,and handles like it's on rails.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu May 24, 2018 7:44 am

I will let you know if the bike has any failures.I sure do love it, it's very torquey,and handles like it's on rails.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu May 24, 2018 9:06 am

It has the weak starter solenoid circuit. The wire is thinner than it should, if anything gets loose or dirty, I get a clank-no-start. So far, whenever happened, got away with it by cleaning-tightening the spade connector on the solenoid.

Also, used to have an oil pressure alarm, the red light on the dash... It was due to the bad/loose connection on the musroom type conector of the oil pressure sensor. Changed the sensor with one having a normal flat type spade connector.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu May 24, 2018 11:40 am

[quote="avgpetro"]It has the weak starter solenoid circuit. The wire is thinner than it should, if anything gets loose or dirty, I get a clank-no-start. So far, whenever happened, got away with it by cleaning-tightening the spade connector on the solenoid.

+1 on that, when you get a chance upgrade the wire from relay to solenoid with 18 or even better 16 gauge, (think 30 plus Amps) it will make the solenoid work much better like 3 x as fast. Fortunately on this early model they didn't feed the start relay from the ignition switch so starting should be reliable.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu May 24, 2018 9:40 pm

same pump as my 1200 Sport, so +1 on the 'startus interuptus' -fix is easy, and +1 on the oil switch, which is in a bugger of a spot, but relatively straight forward to change for the spade topped one.
oh, and change the mapping and the Eagle will fly like it was intended!!
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Red Leader
Red Leader

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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Sat May 26, 2018 8:07 am

Hi All,

I've got an 1100cc GRiSO (2006) & it's great! It's my daily ride for work & also long distance - my other bikes are old Brit bikes (AJS, Triumph & RE) so this is the only 'modern' machine I ride.

Don't know anything about mapping-everyone loves Beetle's maps but I don't think he does them for 1100 models - APOLOGIES IF THAT'S NOT CORRECT!
I don't know if other maps are available so hoping someone'll chime in for you.
I have no problem using my GRiSO in town traffic on the stock map but there are others who find it a pain.
I love the fact that I just have 4 valves to adjust & that's one of the reasons I have never got a 1200 model.
I'm hoping to stick with this bike forever....

Things I have dealt with as follows:

1. Original speedo sensor was not waterproof so stopped working after a few winters- an easy fix; the new sensor is sealed pretty good but I still went crazy with the silicon on it to make sure it wasn't going to let water in.

2. Speedo itself was leaky & misted up until I sealed it up with silicon (have posted about it!)....fear stopped me doing this for ages then I got to a point when I was so pi**ed off with it that my anger overcame my reluctance.
The bike has done more wet miles than dry (tend to ride my old bikes in the summer...just to keep them going; a ridden bike being a reliable bike!)....... I don't like the digital display, preferring needles, but what can I do?!?

3. The original oil sensor was a weird design where the wire joined it & I bought a newer version with a spade connector & don't have the issues I used to have with it in the winter where I'd have to keep emery clothing the connection..............changing the sensor was a bit of a pain as it's in a stupid place & I couldn't get a socket on it & the tank has to be moved (I got away with not removing the tank when I changed mine but on reflection the job would have been easier if I had removed the tank).

4. Sometimes I get a wet left buttock! There's no tear in the seat but I think rain's getting in as the bike leans to the left on the stand & the water gets in via the's only really when it's been hammering down.

5. Changed the rear pads once since I have owned the bike & that was easy as they are Brembo.

I don't know what the weather's like with you but in winter I give my bike a really good clean EVERY Saturday as the roads get gritted with salt heavily & I pay LOTS of attention to getting all the salt out the brakes - I take the pads out once during this time & free up the grooves in the pads & get at the calipers with a toothbrush....& do the same in late Spring.......I learnt that the hard way when 2 winters destroyed my old Kawasaki GT550 back in the regime might be overkill for some but my GRiSO is now 12 years old but still looks new because of this. A clean bike is an easier bike to work on.

That's about it, really- a great, reliable machine in my estimation.

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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Sat May 26, 2018 5:03 pm

The Beetle map for the 1100 is great, no brainer just do it will make you enjoy the bike more and save fuel

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Agree on the oil pressure sensor it is a bit of a fiddle to do but not hard do a search and there is a thread with pics
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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:01 pm

Well, thanks for the replies! I'm gratified the faults are so few,and the fixes are small potatoes.
Be well, humboldtguzzi
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:57 am

I had a problem last year with my G11 at 48,000 miles or so.  The GRiSO kept blowing the fuse to the fuel pump.  I kept spare fuses with me and just would change them out.  

Finally that didn't work anymore and after a pickup ride home I figured it was in the fuel pump circuit. I pulled the pump assembly, took the pump out, tested the pump -it worked fine-  put the whole thing back together. It's been about 4,000 miles now without a problem.

I still keep the spare fuses with me at all times
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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:07 pm

Wow, that is a valuable tip! What amp rating is the fuse?
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:27 pm

They're yeller 20 amps but I got the kit which includes the puller and 7.5's, 10's & 15's even though I may never use them.  There's plenty of room in the seat compartment to store them along with some "walking money"  -  just in case.
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kiwi dave
GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:15 pm

The same fuse feeds the coils, injectors, and starter motor solenoid (via the starter relay). I'd be more suspicious about the latter one. But if it ain't broke any more, I could be wrong (again).
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:25 pm

True Kiwi Dave.  I ran it for a couple of months just replacing the fuses when it did infrequently blow them.  Then, there was one ride home that after the first fuse blew.  I put in three more that blew as soon as I turned the key.

After I got the bike home I disconnected the fuel pump (which was my guess as to the problem) , in a new fuse, hit the key and the starter turned over.  I then reconnected the fuel pump and the fuse blew immediately when I turned the key.

So it was off with the fuel tank, invert it and pull the fuel pump assembly.  I figured I needed a new pump so I tested the pump and it worked fine.

After that it was reassemble making sure the wires didn't kink and put it back together.  It's been working now for nearly a year.  a rotten job has been keeping me from riding much this last year.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there common faults with old Grisos?   Are there common faults with old Grisos? Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 07, 2018 3:11 pm

My textile jacket back pocket has full range of fuses, owning a Guzzi and a Ducati does that to a person
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