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 Engine Miss on the RH cylinder.

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Posts : 61
Join date : 2017-05-16

Engine Miss on the RH cylinder. Empty
PostSubject: Engine Miss on the RH cylinder.   Engine Miss on the RH cylinder. Icon_minitime1Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:24 pm

After rollerising I did some service work on the GRiSO.
Valve clearances adjusted.
New plugs and boots.
Throttle bodies balanced.
Installed a Beetle map.

Bike runs great. Huge improvement with the map.

The only issue I have is that the bike has a miss on the RH cylinder when the engine gets hot, waiting at a set of lights.

On start up the idle is fine and while moving I cannot notice the miss.

Hooked up Guzidiag and gauges and had another look this morning.

Idle is good until temp gets to 85-90, then the RH cylinder starts missing.
A couple of readings I noticed while this was happening.
Temp 88
Idle stepper controller 24 (was 40 while temp was lower and idle good)
Idle stepper base 70

Anything else I should be looking at?

On Marks suggestion I increased the CO to +2.
This didn't make any difference other than a bit of popping when backing off the throttle.

Any suggestions on what I could do here before I have to look for someone to start diagnosing this?
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

Posts : 10724
Join date : 2013-05-29
Age : 67

Engine Miss on the RH cylinder. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Engine Miss on the RH cylinder.   Engine Miss on the RH cylinder. Icon_minitime1Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:43 pm

Check both ends of the HT lead. What caps are you using?

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Posts : 61
Join date : 2017-05-16

Engine Miss on the RH cylinder. Empty
PostSubject: Problem solved   Engine Miss on the RH cylinder. Icon_minitime1Sun Nov 18, 2018 8:51 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
Check both ends of the HT lead. What caps are you using?


Yeah I did that and swapped coil around, NGK caps.

Just after I posted, a couple of 6 mm brake bleeders arrived in the post, so I thought I'd check the last thing I did on the bike, the low RPM throttle body sinc.

I hadn't opened up the low RPM adjuster on the right hand side enough.
Opened up a bit more and no more miss, steady as, right up to 100 degrees. Very Happy

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Engine Miss on the RH cylinder. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Engine Miss on the RH cylinder.   Engine Miss on the RH cylinder. Icon_minitime1

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Engine Miss on the RH cylinder.
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