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 GRiSO 1100 clutch slipping problem

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Join date : 2015-04-27

GRiSO 1100 clutch slipping problem Empty
PostSubject: GRiSO 1100 clutch slipping problem   GRiSO 1100 clutch slipping problem Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:24 pm

Ive been having slipping problem with my GRiSO which occurs usually after using the clutch and after pumping the lever. When i start riding it works fine or driving without need to change gears often it works also.
Is this maybe causing by worn master cylinder sealing? Does GRiSO 12 and 11 use the same master cylinder if i order repair kit?

thanks for answering:)
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

Posts : 10720
Join date : 2013-05-29
Age : 67

GRiSO 1100 clutch slipping problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO 1100 clutch slipping problem   GRiSO 1100 clutch slipping problem Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:02 pm

Check the plunger on the clutch lever. Is there any free play before the plunger hits the piston?

It sounds as if the plunger is holding the piston in slightly so the piston can't move back far enough to uncover the priming port. That makes the whole system closed and as the fluid warms up and expands the only thing that can happen is the slave piston is pushed forward operating the clutch.

Remove the lever, the plunger is threaded into a barrel in the lever. There is a tiny, (1.5?mm) Allen socket grub screw in the bottom of the barrel. Loosen that with a good, accurate Allen key then heat the barrel with a butane torch to loosen the Loctite used on the threads of the plunger and screw the plunger back into the barrel half a turn. Lock up the grub screw again, re-fit the lever and see if the problem disappears. If it still slips repeat the operation.
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GRiSO 1100 clutch slipping problem
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