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 Rubber weather seal

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Join date : 2019-06-05

Rubber weather seal Empty
PostSubject: Rubber weather seal   Rubber weather seal Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:16 pm

When I installed the Stedi LED headlight I cut out the back of the headlight shell to allow the heatsink to work.
I wanted to seal the top of the headlight shell to stop rain driving in to the back of the shell and wiring.

I put a layer of thin plastic tape on the headlight rim and rubbed a bit of car wax on it.
I set up the headlight at the right height and added a bead of Sika 291 on the bottom of the screen to the headlight rim.
I let it set overnight then took the screen off, pulled off the tape on the rim and I have a rubberised weather seal that is removable.
I've used this in other areas and it works well.

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