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 Oil warning light - general info

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PostSubject: Oil warning light - general info   Oil warning light - general info Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:01 am

Hi Guys,

Fist of all a big thanks to this community and all the info on this page. I'm a new member and bought a moto guzzi GRiSO 850 a few weeks ago. Yesterday I wanted to drive my bike and the oil warning light came on. I stopped the bike as soon as possible and checked wether there was a leakage or anything else. This wasn't the case. Everything looked fine.

My question is the following. Will simply changing the oil and oil filter solve this issue? And if so, will the warning light go out by itself? Do I need to worry when I know there is enough oil inside the bike?

If not, what are my options and what can I do to see what's causing the oil warning light to come on.

I'm looking forward to your comments! Thanks in advance!

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GRiSO Capo
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Oil warning light - general info Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oil warning light - general info   Oil warning light - general info Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 11, 2021 7:00 am

Welcome to the ghetto for starters. A proper introduction on our Who You Is page is in order. You can search topics like this using the search function on the menu bar. I think you will be advised that it could be your oil sensor gone bad. The experts will come along and help with part numbers and probably ask some other diagnostic questions.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Oil warning light - general info   Oil warning light - general info Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 11, 2021 7:07 am

And, if you go to the Grisology section, where these types of things are discussed, you will see a thread about an oil light being on started by “Eldo850”. He has an 850 with the same issue. You can read the response which should help you.

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PostSubject: Damnable oil light   Oil warning light - general info Icon_minitime1Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:24 pm

Greetings from St. Augustine, Florida.
For years my 2007 GRiSO has been plagued with interim bouts of oil light starting problems.
There seems to be no fix, except to undo the oil dipper for a few moments and then screw it back on and try to start the bike.
This very often restores the light-out function.
What gets to me is that if and when the oil light malfunctions the instrument panel reads SERVICE and none of the other instrumentation functions.
My usual fix is to turn the bike off and wait five minutes to allow the oil in the reserve to settle and then it usually starts and runs with the light off.
I’ve concluded this must be because it’s far too sensitive.
I’d like to hear from someone as to how to turn it off completely. I’ve been riding since 1965 and have owned 26 motorcycles and the GRiSO is the only one that behaves in this manner.
Again, when it runs it’s a gas to ride, sort of like an two wheeled Alfa on steroids, and I only have the four valve.
All my best.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Oil warning light - general info   Oil warning light - general info Icon_minitime1Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:15 pm

Have you tried replacing the oil pressure switch? They are terribly flakey. The start up will not be effected by oil level or pressure and removing and replacing the dipstick cannot effect anything at all. The motor doesn't have an oil level sensor. The non start issue is probably a version of 'Startus Interuptus', (Do a board search. It will keep you busy for hours!).

A faulty pressure switch will throw up a 'Service' Icon as will a lot of other things. Have you checked for error codes n the OBD?

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