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 Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread.

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2 posters
Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread. Empty
PostSubject: Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread.   Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread. Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 25, 2021 1:17 am

Just for easier access.

Martin asked.

How're ya? I hope i'm in the right place. Greetings from Ireland.
I have an 08 1200 8v GRiSO with 35000 kms. My first Guzzi. I've put 14.000, trouble free klicks on this beauty in 4months. (I was told it had been rollerized as well)
She stopped picking up at the 5000 rpm band recently, feeling like a ' i'm not going any quicker' flat spot, for all the world. That went on for a bit.
Later as i'm changing down, instead of the usual popping, i heard a bang. No internal damage, thankfully.
I made it home, 20kms by tickling the throttle, at about 30kms/hr.
She would tick over, just wouldn't take juice.
She swung over there now, no start though, followed by no more swinging, and more head scratching for me.
Could you steer me in some favourable direction, please and thanks.
Sincerely, Martin.


Now there are a couple of replies in the original thread but after reading them there I think it would be easier to continue this here. Thumbs Up

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GRiSO Capo
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Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread.   Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread. Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:27 am

If the bike has not recently been 'serviced' or otherwise touched...

I also suspect the fuel filter and hose as a first port of call.
But while you have the tank off i would also check that the hoses to the stepper motor and airbox are all in place and not split
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Age : 67

Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread.   Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread. Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:51 pm

Well it seems the request for help wasn't required.

For anyone who is interested I reckon whoever rollerised it, if indeed it has been rollerised, has mis-timed the cam on one or both sides and it's dropped a valve. All the symptoms fit.
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Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread.   Martin Cummins non running GRiSO thread. Icon_minitime1

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