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 DIY crash protectors

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Join date : 2019-06-05

DIY crash protectors Empty
PostSubject: DIY crash protectors   DIY crash protectors Icon_minitime1Fri Nov 26, 2021 4:18 pm

Being a pensioner I have spare time but not $s, thus I try to make my own mods.

I fitted a stainless rub rail to my tappet covers recently and realized that, that was a way to protect the vulnerable areas in a slide.

Today I added 8mm stainless button head set screws on the bottom edge of the oil cooler shroud.

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I've ordered folding gearchange and back brake ends that I hope to adapt to fit my GRiSO.

I'm intending to make a black fibreglass cap to fit on the carc that will again take a stainless button head set screw in the centre,
as well as the black fibreglass protectors for the exposed edge of the tappet covers.

Preventing the tappet covers wearing through and contaminating the engine with dirt and the carc seem like the most necessary areas to protect.

Of course I'll only know for sure how they work if I and the GRiSO end up sliding up the road again, so hopefully I'll never know..

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