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 LED Turn signal wiring

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Chris W
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PostSubject: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sat Apr 30, 2022 10:50 pm

Good Day,
Looking for wiring assistance (again) did get my USB wired up finally and thanks to help here.
This time looking to match up the wires correctly to install new front turn signals. Replaced the back last year with LED's that came with installed resistors (thanks for the help Beetle).
You can see what I ended up buying. I got MG turn signals for some of the new V7's and V85 bikes because the mounting will work best with the mounting on my 2014. I'd been PM'ing with LCjohnny (thanks Jon) about the ones he has but I need them to "stick out" past my parabellum fairing (as seen in the picture). I got the below parts from AF1 and they had those all listed on the GRiSO accessory page.
The measurement length is the same as the originals and the mounting seems to be the same. My uncertainty is what wires to match up with what.
I plan to take apart the original signals and expose the dark blue and light blue wires
Cut them mid way back to the base
Install the resistors in line: the red and black wires go to? which to red and which to black? (light blue-dark blue)
Then wire the new signals to the dark blue and light blue wires- the new ones have dark blue and brown wires- which to which?
Then I'd solder all connections and heat shrink. Not too hard to hide everything because of the fairing I have.
I'd rather ask here than look at the wiring diagrams I have and make a mistake.

Many thanks again.

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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 2:09 am

typically, blue is negative and brown is positive.
this should match up with one set of the red and black on the resistor. the other red and black will connect to the incoming power/ factory turn signal wiring on the bike.
a wiring diagram would be helpful to confirm connections, but hey, its only 12vdc led lighting, not much can go wrong - it's a go or no go scenario
mock it up and take it straight to any 12vdc car or motorcycle battery - light should burn constantly
if not, swap polarity and try it
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 2:17 am

Thanks Chris. How about when you have two blue wires, one light blue and one dark like the one that is on the existing turn signals. Which is positive?
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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 2:26 am

the only true way to confirm those would be with a meter and or digging through schematics for your year model.
I guess you could try it with the mock up. once confirmed you have your new turn signal and resistor correct by powering it straight from the battery, you could connect it to the two wires and turn on your blinker. if it doesn't work, swapping the leads should do it. after you get it working, you can proceed with the permanent installation

that's my 2 cents  Very Happy
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 2:28 am

Thank you again Chris.
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 4:56 am

Acording to the wiring diagram and my memory plain, unstriped dark blue is earth (always i think)
In the feed to the indicators power is Light blue for the left (front and rear) and Red for the right (front and rear).
In the original indicators themselves earth is still blue but the power feed in every indicator is black.
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 5:00 am

Ok, next dumb question…….
I figured out that the light blue is hot and dark blue is ground on the turn signal leads. The new turn signal works fine without the resistors. No crazy flashing etc. Is there any reason to use the resistors? I would think not……
Thank you.
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 5:12 am

I say no - is there a display of a burnt out bulb on the dash?
If not you are all fine
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 5:23 am

Yeah Jon………I didn’t think to check that….
So I just did and we’re good to go.

Many thanks!! Plus I’ll let AF1 know they don’t need to sell resistors with them like they recommend.
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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Thu May 05, 2022 1:17 am

JohnA wrote:
Yeah Jon………I didn’t think to check that….
So I just did and we’re good to go.

Many thanks!! Plus I’ll let AF1 know they don’t need to sell resistors with them like they recommend.

When I installed LEDs front and back on my GRiSO, I had to use resistors to slow the signal pacing. If you only installed fronts, then there may have been enough load from the stock back units to prevent problems. It's also possible that the specific turn signals you purchased have enough internal load; not all do.

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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Thu May 05, 2022 3:00 am

I have LED rear turn signals already but they came with built in resistors. The new ones I bought are guzzi OEM ones made for V7’s etc. glad I didn’t need the resistors so there’s less wiring stuff I had to tuck in.
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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Thu May 05, 2022 3:32 am

John - what does the finished product look like?
Got Pics?
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Sun May 08, 2022 2:25 am

Here you go Chris.
The small rear LED's came with resistors built into the wiring. They are Morimoto signals. Beetle shared what he was using. They give a "sliming effect" to the rear end...............IMHO
The front are the OEM Guzzi ones mentioned before. You can see from the picture that I needed something that would stick out past the fairing cutout. This Scout fairing by Parabellum is made for the GRiSO and the OEM turn signals it come with. I got tired of looking at the "plastic chrome" turn signals. Appreciate your responses and lcjohnny.

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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 09, 2024 9:43 pm

JohnA wrote:
Good Day,
Looking for wiring assistance (again) did get my USB wired up finally and thanks to help here.
This time looking to match up the wires correctly to install new front turn signals. Replaced the back last year with LED's that came with installed resistors (thanks for the help Beetle).
You can see what I ended up buying. I got MG turn signals for some of the new V7's and V85 bikes because the mounting will work best with the mounting on my 2014. I'd been PM'ing with LCjohnny (thanks Jon) about the ones he has but I need them to "stick out" past my parabellum fairing (as seen in the picture). I got the below parts from AF1 and they had those all listed on the GRiSO accessory page.
The measurement length is the same as the originals and the mounting seems to be the same. My uncertainty is what wires to match up with what.
I plan to take apart the original signals and expose the dark blue and light blue wires
Cut them mid way back to the base
Install the resistors in line: the red and black wires go to? which to red and which to black? (light blue-dark blue)
Then wire the new signals to the dark blue and light blue wires- the new ones have dark blue and brown wires- which to which?
Then I'd solder all connections and heat shrink. Not too hard to hide everything because of the fairing I have.
I'd rather ask here than look at the wiring diagrams I have and make a mistake.

Many thanks again.

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What brand lamps did you use ??
Are they still working ?

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:47 pm

I mentioned both types of signals above. The rear are very small Morimoto leds that come with built in resistors. The front came from AF1 and we’re for a newer V7. If you look on their site under GRiSO accessories I believe you will see them. They are both working fine. It appears that the resistors that came on the rear were all I needed in the electrical system.
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el capitan
el capitan

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PostSubject: Re: LED Turn signal wiring   LED Turn signal wiring Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:07 am

I guess that the consumption of your new turn signals will decide whether you need resistors or not. I installed 1W running light indicators last year and as they don´t glim with the engine off I refrained from using resistors without any ill effects.
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