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 Stock turn signal stays

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Posts : 24
Join date : 2021-02-13

Stock turn signal stays Empty
PostSubject: Stock turn signal stays   Stock turn signal stays Icon_minitime1Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:59 pm

Found this person that makes aftermarket stays.
Found him on Facebook, I am planning to buy some to have as spare, I just wanted to share the info, if anyone interested. I am not related, and I have yet to purchase but again just sharing the info, be it good or bad.

intestatario Tocci Nicola
c.f.: TCCNCL79C05G3883
postepay n° 5333171168170765

€ 33 per una coppia (2pz)
€ 52 per due coppie (4pz)
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Stock turn signal stays
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