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 idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Empty
PostSubject: idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal   idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 3:32 pm

Hi guys,

1200SE factory roller 17000kms mistral high pipe and beetle mapped.

TBs were last balanced by me about a year ago

bike running superbly, all maintenance up to date


I'm on a twisty highway giving it beans and I got to a toll and my idle was at 2000rpms

I tried pulling the clutch in, revving it and letting it drop, nothing helped

Next toll booth same thing.

Then at my next stop it was back to normal.

Tried searching the forum to no avail, anyone know whats going on?

Absolutely loving the GRiSO by the way!!!!

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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Empty
PostSubject: Re: idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal   idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Icon_minitime1Sun May 01, 2022 3:58 pm

Check airbox for oil. Where are you running it on the stick? Sounds like it may of pumped a bit of oil into the airbox and contaminated the stepper.
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Empty
PostSubject: Re: idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal   idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Icon_minitime1Mon May 02, 2022 2:39 am

thanks pete,

now you come to mention it, there was possibly the slightest whiff of burning oil. Not with the bike for another couple of weeks so can't check the oil level.

Whats the procedure for decontaminating the stepper?

And how much oil do you put in your bike? seems the specified amount is overkill?

thanks as ever
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Empty
PostSubject: Re: idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal   idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Icon_minitime1Mon May 02, 2022 3:33 am

Never fill it higher than half way between the 'Full' and 'Add' marks and don't add any more unless it actually goes off the bottom of the stick, bike upright.

As for the stepper? Unless it does it regularly? Leave it alone.

My green shitter has a bit of a habit of high idling,probably due to the previous owner keeping it 'Topped Up'. I'm hoping me ignoring it and letting the oil find its own level will fix it. If it doesn't? I'll flush the stepper or replace it with a spare if that doesn't work.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Empty
PostSubject: Re: idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal   idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Icon_minitime1Mon May 02, 2022 5:08 am

It surely feels that the specified amount is too much. Beetles method is to fill the filter when doing a change and adding 3L. Last time I did mine, to get to half way on the stick, it only took a few drops…..over 3L. That included filling the filter.
The stick can be hard to read. LCjohnny’s suggestion is to drill a couple of small holes in the stick so you can more easily see if the oil level has reached and filled the hole. Certainly made if easier for me.
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idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Empty
PostSubject: Re: idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal   idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal Icon_minitime1

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idle came up to 2000rpms today then back to normal
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