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 mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Empty
PostSubject: mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today   mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Icon_minitime1Thu May 25, 2023 2:41 pm

sh$t happens I guess.

Everything seems fine, except the rear brake pedal feels like its traveling further than normal before it bites... does that make sens? I confess that I've never quite understood the newfangled rear brake set up on this bike... What do I need to be looking at? The brake still works, but I generally do like to know that all my brake components are in top condition just in case the worst should ever happen.

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Fra Cristoforo
Fra Cristoforo

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mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Empty
PostSubject: Re: mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today   mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Icon_minitime1Thu May 25, 2023 2:56 pm

Bummer, maybe some air got in it laying over. I would bleed it out.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Empty
PostSubject: Re: mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today   mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Icon_minitime1Thu May 25, 2023 3:31 pm

Yup, bleeding it would be the obvious first step. Also look carefully at the pivot bolt as these are prone to breaking if stressed as they only have a weedy little 6mm mounting thread and check the alignment of the actuating plunger.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Empty
PostSubject: Re: mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today   mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Icon_minitime1Thu May 25, 2023 4:37 pm

Grr. This makes me angry.

Agree with Pete & Steve.

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Empty
PostSubject: Re: mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today   mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Icon_minitime1Thu May 25, 2023 4:39 pm

thanks guys will report back
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Pawel Spoon
Pawel Spoon

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mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Empty
PostSubject: Re: mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today   mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Icon_minitime1Sat May 27, 2023 11:37 am

some people are shit.

the lever is still fine ? When breva fell over, it immediately torn the lever 30 degrees
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mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Empty
PostSubject: Re: mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today   mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Icon_minitime1Sun May 28, 2023 9:34 am

Do you know how it happened?
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PostSubject: Re: mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today   mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today Icon_minitime1

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mmmm came back to find my GRiSO lying on its side today
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