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 Coil Fault Codes

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Join date : 2018-06-24

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PostSubject: Coil Fault Codes   Coil Fault Codes Icon_minitime1Sat May 07, 2022 1:37 pm

Hi All,
Hoping someone may be able to help with some advice.

Late last year my 2006 GRiSO 1100 died on the way to work, actually in the Mersey Tunnel (Liverpool, UK) which was a bit of a nightmare. Since then I've left it on the naughty step in disgrace but today had a look at it. It cranks over fine, there's a good spark at the plugs but they are dry, it doesn't look as if fuel is being delivered. I fitted a new fuel pump last summer as the pipe had become brittle, all was good after that. Before I started to take things apart I decided to connect up Guzzidiag and check for any fault codes, lo and behold it's showing P0351 & P0352, both left & right coils too high, does anyone happen to know what this means? Cheers, Chris
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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Coil Fault Codes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coil Fault Codes   Coil Fault Codes Icon_minitime1Sat May 07, 2022 1:50 pm

If you have a good spark it probably means nothing.

When you installed the new pump did you ensure that the shorter hose was made of fully submersible hose? If not it's probably blown off or split.
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Posts : 16
Join date : 2018-06-24

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PostSubject: Re: Coil Fault Codes   Coil Fault Codes Icon_minitime1Sun May 08, 2022 3:48 pm

Thanks Pete, really appreciate your advice, off with the tank then. I thought it strange that there was a healthy spark but still an error code. Job for next weekend. Cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Coil Fault Codes   Coil Fault Codes Icon_minitime1

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