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 Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V

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Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Empty
PostSubject: Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V   Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Icon_minitime1Sun Aug 07, 2022 11:27 am

Hi all

After 7 years of original exaust style (1200-8V-SE red) it's time for a change. I'm now searching for a long time ti find an exaust system that doesn't change the line of the bike that much. I saw a lot of systems over the last years but I don't like the Agostini, BOS or other systems becaus I think they're too small / short.
After some time of web search I found the Mass-Moto exaust. They offer the tromb inox which is a twin system in a cone shape.
To be honest I don't like the BMW bikes at all, but I think the Akrapowic double pipe system at the R9T looks not that bad and shape of the Mass-Moto "Thromb inox satin double" is close to it.
Link to Mass Moto system:
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Does anyone of you have some expierience with that system?

Thanks for a reply and always have a safe ride.

Holger (MGC-Paderborn Germany)
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GRiSO Capo
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Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V   Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Icon_minitime1Sun Aug 07, 2022 1:38 pm

Don’t have any experience with that version but

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This is a GRiSO members bike, BB43215, you could send him a pm. We used to ride together & it’s a great sounding pipe. Mr Beetle had a map for the pipe but that’s the 1100 engine.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V   Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Icon_minitime1Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:34 pm

That design was originally manufactured or sold by a company called Lavizarri, I had one on my 1100 way back in the day. This was way, way before the W5AM was unlocked so I never experimented with remapping but it was the system that first taught me exactly how useless Fat Duc Lambda sensor foolers were.

My experience with the 1100 with the stock map was that as long as you kept the dB killers installed it both sounded good and ran as well as the stock bike. Remove the killers and it was awful! Not only stupidly loud but also raucous in a sort of 'Tinny' way it also obviously engendered a very harsh lean condition! I didn't leave them out long enough to find if it would cause damage.

In 2008 when I bought my 8V I swapped the pipe over on to it to see how it felt. The answer was awful! With the dB killers in it it felt strangled and with them out the racket was unbearable and there was a h-u-g-e flat spot from about 3,200 through to above 5,000 regardless of throttle opening! It stayed on for a total of about 10km and ended up being refitted to, and sold with, the 1100. The bloke who bought it ran it with only one dB killer n to "Improve the sound'. I shudder to think what this did to the harmonics!

Mine also cracked repeatedly around the 1 into 2 splitter. You knew when it happened as it's proximity to the lambda sensor caused the bike to run like shit as will as making it backfire like crazy and hiss like a farting snake!

Would it be possible to build a decent map for it now? Probably but I really have no idea as, as I said, this all predated the Guzzidiag suite of tools and map manipulating software. My admittedly biased opinion is that in all honesty there are many better options available performance wise but I also admit to liking it a lot aesthetically.

All those years ago!

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Last edited by Pete Roper on Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V   Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Icon_minitime1Sun Aug 07, 2022 5:25 pm

I think that is the best looking aftermarket exhaust for a GRiSO
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Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V   Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:54 am

Hey Pete

Thanks a lot, that helps me for my decision.

Greetings to down under

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Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V   Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 15, 2022 12:16 pm

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You are talking about the one i am riding with.
Replaced my Akrapovich with the Mass( best looking for the best looking bike)

Ordered on 12 april and delivered in july.

The thing with experience is that the GRiSO is my frst motorbike.
Compared with the Akra the mass runs better.
Once i read that there is another Ghetto rider with this exhaust. Think Beetle made a map for it but not sure.

Come to Amsterdam and have a blast.
For the city a little loud loud but doable.
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PostSubject: Re: Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V   Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V Icon_minitime1

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Mass moto exaust "twin" for GRiSO 8V
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