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 REMAP - how to?

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Frederico Pessoa
Frederico Pessoa

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Age : 44

REMAP - how to? Empty
PostSubject: REMAP - how to?   REMAP - how to? Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 31, 2023 7:49 am

Hello, all Ghetto folks!

Here in my country, no one seems to know much about the GRiSO. In my case is a 2009 GRiSO 8V. I´ve just made the Rollarization, spark plugs and their cables, fuel injectors, and mistral slip-one tailpipe.

Now, a remap is a must. And following the bluemarblerider at you tube [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I´m following all steps to get it done.
I´ve got the right map already (8V Mistral Conical with dB killer) and now I´m trying to download the software ( to my PC (windows) to run the diagnosis and do the remap. I´m seeking also all cables needed to plug my bike, so if anyone has a place to get it would be great.
Regarding the software, as soon as the download begins an error pops and I can't complete the task. So without the software I´m stuck.

I´m not a geek or a handy man. But a Have no option here in Brazil since no one knows how to do the remap.

Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you all in advance.

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Age : 72

REMAP - how to? Empty
PostSubject: Re: REMAP - how to?   REMAP - how to? Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:50 am

I would recommend you contact Beetle here... for any support issues you have with loading his maps and I believe he can also send you a link to the cables etc....of course all this is assuming you purchased his map..From him.

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Fra Cristoforo
Fra Cristoforo

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PostSubject: Re: REMAP - how to?   REMAP - how to? Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:51 am

Wow, it was pretty easy to search-----------------ALL HERE---

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Frederico Pessoa
Frederico Pessoa

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Age : 44

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PostSubject: Re: REMAP - how to?   REMAP - how to? Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:27 am

kindoy2 wrote:
I would recommend you contact Beetle here... for any support issues you have with loading his maps and I believe he can also send you a link to the cables etc....of course all this is assuming you purchased his map..From him.

Will get all from him. As far as I know, is the one to get.
Thank you very much!
keep you posted!
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PostSubject: Re: REMAP - how to?   REMAP - how to? Icon_minitime1

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