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 No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here.

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Join date : 2023-08-14

No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Empty
PostSubject: No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here.   No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:05 am

Thinking about buying a GRiSO, love the looks but not tried one.
Got to ask a few questions and sell a Le Mans Mk II first.

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Fra Cristoforo
Fra Cristoforo

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No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here.   No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:51 am

Wow, coming of age! Not much more power, just more refined way of getting the power. I rode my LM3 for 50Kmi before the wreck. It would run away from most 1100's. Then you have to stop, nice newer brakes haul down quicker. Find one(GRiSO) and ride it, you'll like it The 850 wicks up quick w/short stroke. 1100 I like the best. 1200 has the power.
Lots of info here, the GOOD and the not so good.

Oops forgot,-----------------Welcome

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here.   No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 14, 2023 10:18 am

Welcome .... defo worth trying before you buy (either borrowing one or test riding one)....& depends on your use case....I love GRiSO (1200 8v) for longer rides; but for local & stop/go high traffic stuff (sort of up to 50/60 mph) it's small block everytime...

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here.   No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:53 pm

There’s a bloke in North Kent selling a 2013 1200 if you’re interested. Posted in the FB GRiSO group.

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In GRiSO we trust!

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Posts : 3432
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Age : 65

No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here.   No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:48 pm

There you go. Now, welcome to the Ghetto!

Pete (Street)

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“Danger + Survival = Fun.” - Neil Peart

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PostSubject: Re: No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here.   No GRiSO yet...that's why I'm here. Icon_minitime1

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