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 Mandello Oil level

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Mandello Oil level Empty
PostSubject: Mandello Oil level   Mandello Oil level Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 21, 2023 2:34 am

G'day Guys,
Just had my Mandello delivered.
Haven't been able to get out for a ride yet, hopefully before the end of the week.
This will be my first ride in just over a year.  Had spinal surgery and ended up with a drop foot.

Mandello Oil level 20230811
Mandello Oil level 20230811

Has any one else found the oil level to be over full.
When you try to undo the dipstick oil runs out.

With the bike upright the level is about 30 mm above the max level on the dip stick.  This is measured with the dipstick not screwed in.
To get the level at the max mark I had to remove 500 ml.

I thought the over fill on my bike might have been a one off, but I saw a British review by Lambchop and his bike looked to have the same issue.
What's going on here?
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Mandello Oil level Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mandello Oil level   Mandello Oil level Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 23, 2023 2:12 pm

Fucking morons as dealers/service agents.
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Mandello Oil level Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mandello Oil level   Mandello Oil level Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:25 pm

I wonder if Guzzi supply a jug or measure to speed up the oil fill/replacement process? An incorrectly calibrated jug/measure?

Or have told their service agents that "x" litres of oil is required to fill/replenish? Only problem being that "x" is too much...

It's not as if they've been on the ball with this from the beginning...c.f. the oil level window nonsense.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Mandello Oil level Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mandello Oil level   Mandello Oil level Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:27 pm

Any manufacturer worth their salt won't use a jug, they'll have a calibrated pump at the oiling point at the end of the production line. Presumably the clown who calibrated it did it wrong and then nobody checked before the bike was shipped or at PD.
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Mandello Oil level Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mandello Oil level   Mandello Oil level Icon_minitime1

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