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 Fuel leak.. and more??

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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:17 am


I hope maybe someone near by can help me...I'm in Oxon Hill, MD area.. But first, I just finished up replacing the fuel injector T hose and the oil breather lines. Reinstalled the tank, started it up and all appeared well. Forward to next morning, I was going to take a ride and now I see gas on the ground and finding what looks like gas leaking from the throttle body gaskets and even from the bottom end of the left cylinder. I'm really nervous and don't have the mechanical knowledge know how of even having to rebuild the bottom end if it's that.. I was feeling pretty good of what I had just accomplished merely 24hrs ago.[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:24 am

Also,  saw droplets of fuel on this line that connects to the oil pan.. however, I don't think I can smell any gas mixed with oil. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Fra Cristoforo
Fra Cristoforo

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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:40 pm

Pull the tank again, find the issue & fix. Get new fuel line or make one w/ 5/16" and a T.

Make sure the oil is not contaminated with fuel, if it is drain & refill ALSO make sure fuel did not fill cylinders from leaking through the throttle body. If that happened, pull spark plugs & spin motor over till clean.
Most likely just an outside leak from line fix.
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Pete Roper
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:22 pm

Wot he said.

It wasn't doing it before you had the tank off but it is now. Therefore it's something you did, probably something silly and easily done, especially if you're a novice. We've all had these sorts of experiences. Don't beat yourself up, just go back and carefully and logically re-cover the ground you covered yesterday.

My first guess is the 'Quick release' fitting isn't pushed fully home on the fuel pump plate elbow.

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Fra Cristoforo
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:33 pm

How about a pic of the fuel line you fixed. Might be something easy.
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:36 am

I replaced the T line since I broke off the elbow connector in the "quick disconnect". I'm starting to think it is a fuel injector since I heard a popping sound when I was trying to push it in to secure it when I replaced the line... I remember I didn't hear it on the left injector but only on the right injector.. I'll take a peak later today
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Pete Roper
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:01 am

Injectors are sealed by o-rings. Generic Bosch part.
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:40 pm

Okay, so I depressurized the system and it turned over and I saw I service light come on. I thought that was good. I go to try and disconnect the disconnect and notice what you see in the below picture.. low and behold, found the source of gas leaking.. guess I didn't tighten the fuel pump enough. After I tightened those best I could, I plug the fuel pump and go to start... it won't even turn over now.. ugh!! And it turns itself off and back on again.

The fuel light is on and I had about a gallon into the tank when I first put fuel back in.. I can still see fuel in the tank so I don't think that'd be it..

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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:40 pm

Looking on past posts, checked my 15 fuses and they all looked good.. starter? I was trying to move some wires around under the tank, unplugged and replugged.. and got it to turn over once before I checked the starter.. then it's back to that light popping sound towards the rear of the bike..

Sorry I'm all over the place, battery is at 11.6-11.8 according to the dash

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Pete Roper
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Mon Sep 18, 2023 5:11 pm

While not probably relevant to the non starting issue what is that wire going to the main earth point and why is it seemingly fused on the earth side? It's not something to do with an O2 sensor fooler is it?

If you are hearing a little 'Click' when you are pressing the starter button but the starter itself isn't engaging it may well be 'Startus Interuptus'. What battery have you got? If it's a 16 AH one it's not not sufficient CCA and when they get a bit tired they tend to carbon up the relay and solenoid contacts. Resting voltage of under 12V makes me think the battery might be a bit tired. You really need a healthy 20 AH battery in the 1200 CARC bikes. A 16 just doesn't cut the mustard.
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:59 am

Pete Roper wrote:
While not probably relevant to the non starting issue what is that wire going to the main earth point and why is it seemingly fused on the earth side? It's not something to do with an O2 sensor fooler is it?

If you are hearing a little 'Click' when you are pressing the starter button but the starter itself isn't engaging it may well be 'Startus Interuptus'. What battery have you got? If it's a 16 AH one it's not not sufficient CCA and when they get a bit tired they tend to carbon up the relay and solenoid contacts. Resting voltage of under 12V makes me think the battery might be a bit tired. You really need a healthy 20 AH battery in the 1200 CARC bikes. A 16 just doesn't cut the mustard.

I believe that wire you are inquiring is the battery tender plug that the previous owner put on. I actually use it to charge my phone now. Also, I was going to ask, I do see the O2 sensor is unplugged. This bike has the beetle map so I figured that's why.

I probably drained the battery a bit by trying to start it and the fact the cable to my phone charger is always connected to it drains it. I can try to charge it. I forgot which one it is but it's a Yuasa.

So you think it's just a battery issue?
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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 19, 2023 10:43 am

I've no idea. I'm just going on long experience of a relatively common issue and the information you're giving me which, because you are a novice at this sort of thing, is pretty sketchy. That is NOT a criticism so please don't take offence, just a matter of fact.

Certainly whack it on a charger for a few hours and see if that wakes it up.

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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 19, 2023 11:53 am

None taken, I appreciate the help. I'll try charging the battery. If that doesn't work, I'll try cleaning the terminals and maybe that status interruptus kit from mph cycles based on past issues from other owners
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:02 pm

Does it look like there is corrosion on the solenoid terminals?
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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 19, 2023 2:08 pm

tinker wrote:
Does it look like there is corrosion on the solenoid terminals?

Not on the battery. But the starter in the above picture looks like corrosion?

***Edit: maybe it was the contacts on the battery. Not much discoloration but since the tender wasn't even charging the battery until I moved the ground around on the terminal and saw the charging light out up made that most likely the culprit. We'll see!!

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rick pope
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PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:49 pm

If the terminal was lose enough for you to move it, that is likely a big part of your problem.

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Fuel leak.. and more??  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1Wed Sep 20, 2023 4:08 am

rick pope wrote:
If the terminal was lose enough for you to move it, that is likely a big part of your problem.  

It wasn't loose. I was talking about the battery tender. I had the battery out of the bike at that point
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PostSubject: Re: Fuel leak.. and more??    Fuel leak.. and more??  Icon_minitime1

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