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 Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ?

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Join date : 2016-03-11
Age : 73

Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ? Empty
PostSubject: Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ?   Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ? Icon_minitime1Thu May 10, 2018 4:13 pm

Finally decided to make the big purchase ( for me ) and get a Corbin seat for my '07 GRiSO 11004V .... when I called the Canadian sales reps ( bike shop in Ontario another Province ) .... the kid on phone say Corbin only sells seats for the 8V and we sorry can't help you , the part numbers are different so seats must be too .... I had thought all along these seats were interchangeable , with no mods , among the different models/years of GRiSO .... am I right or wrong ?.... thanks for any and all advice
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Join date : 2013-05-29
Age : 67

Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ?   Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ? Icon_minitime1Thu May 10, 2018 5:06 pm

They are. The 8V squab is different but the base is the same. In fact the Tenni seat is the same as the 1100 except it has brown suede rather than vinyl covering it.
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Posts : 69
Join date : 2016-03-11
Age : 73

Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ?   Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ? Icon_minitime1Thu May 10, 2018 6:42 pm

thanks Pete , so I could literally just replace my OEM seat with the Corbin ..... wonder why the young fella couldn't match up the part numbers ..... he said he talked to Corbin too ..... today on eBay a bike shop in New Hampshire USA has new Corbin Gunfighter seats on sale that fit "all 2017 GRiSO's and all previous" , the add says .... can't believe the confusion , the seat is costly in our dollars and maybe I should just try and harden my old bony ass .... I'm going to check with that shop and Corbin in the morning , thanks again for the quick response !
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Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ?   Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ? Icon_minitime1

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Are GRiSO 4V and 8V saddels interchangeable ?
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