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 Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper?

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper? Empty
PostSubject: Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper?   Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper? Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:18 am

I have a mate who has a Breva 750 who swears I have the balancing of the throttle bodies on my Sport 1200 wrong. The factory service manual says if there is a big imbalance to adjust with linkage screw and if the imbalance is small, to shut the air bleed screws and adjust one of them to balance the difference. My mate insists that i should OPEN BOTH SCREWS an amount and adjust between them to balance at idle. I can't see this in the manual anywhere. My bike was recently balanced with the linkage and both bypass screws are shut and it runs great. My mate reckons I did it incorrectly.
What do the experts here reckon? Thanks! Smile
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper?   Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper? Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:39 am

The TB balance adjustment on W5AM bikes is stupidly simple.

Close both air bleeds after the engine is warm. Hold the revs at 3,500-4000 rpm and balance the TB's using the flat bladed screwdriver screw on the bell crank linkage on the LH TB.

Drop the throttle and turn off the engine with the kill switch.

Using Guzzidiag or similar re-set the TPS.

Fire the motor up again, let it idle and whichever side has a higher manifold depression open the air bleed on that TB until they are balanced at idle.

Job done.

If they are balanced at idle then there is no need to open an air bleed.

The reason your mate's Breva uses both air bleed screws is because the Breva doesn't use a stepper motor to control the idle. With them, although the balancing sequence is identical at the end you increase or decrease the idle speed by adjusting both air bleeds an equal amount.

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

Posts : 6
Join date : 2017-07-04

Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper?   Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper? Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:41 am

Thanks Pete! Much appreciated!!!!!!! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper?   Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper? Icon_minitime1

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Balancing throttle bodies Sport 1200. Pete Roper?
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