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 Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump

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Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Empty
PostSubject: Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump   Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:04 am

I'm upgrading the complete fuel system from the fuel pump to the injectors.

Despite taking care, on the penultimate fit the plastic elbow broke.
It was embrittled which is obvious in the way that it sheared. Not a good look !

I ordered two plastic replacements from England (when they turn up if anyone wants them they can have them)
However it is a weak spot in the system so I looked to how to go to a metal replacement.

The Zip Ty unit is metal but doesn't have the star washer to retain it.
My retaining method should work for it as well as my version.
Looking at the metal flange there is enough depth to drill and tap a 3mm or 1/8th hole to take a grub screw

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Being a belt and braces type I'm going to tap another at 90 degrees but one is quite sufficient really.
The grub screw will stop the fitting being pushed out by the pressure of the fuel pump but still allow the fitting to rotate.
Since the grub screw is not tightened onto the fitting it will need to be glued with epoxy or similar to stop it coming loose.
It will however be able to be removed if necessary so is not permanently installed like the plastic one.

A machinist who owes me made the fitting up for me.

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I'll pick up the O rings and fit it tomorrow.
The reason I've a barbed end rather than the quick release coupling is because I've fitted a dry break fitting further along the fuel line.
The top two recesses are for the O rings the third is for the grub screw to hold the part in place.

From my searches online this is a common problem on many bikes.
If someone wanted to make a few $s getting a batch made up and putting them on ebay seems worth trying.

The reasons for upgrading the system were firstly when I removed the tank there was a permanent kink in the fuel line (scary)
and I hadn't cottoned on to needing to bleed the pressure from the system before trying to remove the quick release coupling.

I've replaced all the plastic lines with black stainless steel braided hose, the plastic T splitter with a brass one and as I mentioned
aluminium dry break quick release couplings. All up cost around NZ$200 (about US$100)

For the peace of mind, cheap insurance.

If the kinked hose or plastic elbow had failed
petrol under pressure would have been sprayed onto the motor with likely disastrous results.

I'll post more photos tomorrow when everything is in place

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Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump   Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:59 pm

The new system in place, all works as planned

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Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump   Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:45 pm

A good solution, this doesn't close the tank connection when you remove it though so I assume you use the in-line disconnect for that.
I assume you wouldn't normally remove the connection. its just there as a swivel?
How about a 2nd grub screw at 180.
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Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump   Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Icon_minitime1Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:34 am

I did add a second grub screw, it was at 90 degrees as that was where there was enough room to drill and tap the holes,
the 3mm taps are only 50mm long.

Yes the dry break connection is what I use to separate the fuel hose.
I particularly like that they seal themselves when they are disconnected so no petrol running out of the hose ends.
Also that I can disconnect the hose before removing the tank.

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Inner diameter of the gooves 10mm outer 13.5 mm
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Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump   Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:49 pm

Having now ridden the bike enough to be sure.
The new system works with no problems.

I mentioned that I'd ordered two plastic elbows in case my design didn't work.

The quoted cost was seventeen English pounds each.
They refunded my payment and explained that they had to get them from Germany and the price had gone up to 33 pounds each !

They also wrote that getting them from Germany to the UK would take 5 - 7 days
before they could then send it on to me (in New Zealand).

All this seems to add up to the Zip Ty part being the only realistic off the shelf alternative.

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There doesn't appear to be the equivalent of the lock washer on the Zip Ty component so drilling and tapping the flange and using 3mm grub screws looks to ne necessary, otherwise the pressure from the fuel pump may blow it out. The advantage of using grub screws is that it can be disassembled if necessary.

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Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump   Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Icon_minitime1Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:58 pm

There is a Ford spare part that is compatible with GRiSO's pump that costs only 10€. You can see part number and step by step photos of replacement here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I posted some years ago on animaguzzista forum, when I replaced it.

Anyway, I never heard of that piece of plastic been pushed out by fuel pressure. It's more usual that it brokes when you try to remove fuel tank.

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Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump   Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump Icon_minitime1

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Replacing plastic elbow from fuel pump
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