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 Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus)

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Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Empty
PostSubject: Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus)   Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Icon_minitime1Mon 26 Jul 2021, 11:45

Sharing experience:

About a year ago, i installed a starter relay-kit, own-rebuild from MPH, because of starter interruptus. Works beautiful.

This spring the 20A fuse from the relay-kit blows several times. Checked wiring, starter, etc. - same issue.
I decided to install a 25A fuse and until now, the GRiSO starts again. Seems, the problem is solved.

Someone, who had the same problem?

Markus[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus)   Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Icon_minitime1Mon 26 Jul 2021, 12:18

I have had the MPH kit installed for the last 6 years. It came with a 15amp fuse in it which would blow about every 6 months. At the advice of some of our experts here, I went to a 20amp. I’ve had it blow maybe once or twice in the last 2-3 years.
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus)   Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Icon_minitime1Tue 27 Jul 2021, 00:23

25A covers the "odd" occasion when the solenoid is a bit slow pulling in. Good Job.
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Chris W
Chris W

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Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus)   Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Icon_minitime1Tue 27 Jul 2021, 13:43

be careful upsizing fuses as you want to make sure you don't exceed the ampacity of the wiring itself. in theory, if your fuse is rated at a higher current than your wiring can handle,  you could melt the wiring or start a fire before the fuse blows .
you could also look into the fuse specifications. using a time delay or slow blow fuse instead of a fast acting fuse will  buy you some additional time before the fuse blows.
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Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus)   Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus) Icon_minitime1Wed 28 Jul 2021, 12:36

You are right - i really thought about putting in a 25A fuse more than twice, because of upsizing. Also my father told me about these different sort of fuses - thanks for reminding me a second time, Chris W.
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Electric: 25A fuse for starter relay-kit (starter interruptus)
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