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 rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit

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PostSubject: rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit   rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 06, 2022 10:35 pm

rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit are they avaliable brembo ps13b is correct for my 06 1100 I think
all the guzzi suppliers in uk say not avaliable
thought they were same as ducati but no ducs are ps11
any leads chaps?
Regards Steve B
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit   rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:17 am

I spotted something on Demon Tweeks, think it a s complete assembly though
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit   rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:33 am

While I can't help with the rebuild kit I would like to reiterate how important changing the fluid is, especially the clutch fluid but brakes as well regularly.

Bikes I see failures on are almost universally ones where the fluid seems to have been changed rarely, if ever.

A case in point is my Green Shitter. The previous owner may of spent a fortune on horrible exhausts and power commanders followed by, when the PC died, money for a truly awful attempt at a map but he never spent money on brake fluid! When Michael was going through the hydraulics the fluid reservoirs looked like a meth lab! It's a 2010 and it never looked like it had been changed! The result of this is that the clutch master is buggered. It still works, to a point, but it does that thing of if you feather it in traffic the fluid leaks past the primary seal so even if you pull the lever to the bar the clutch still drags sufficiently to prevent shifting into neutral and unless you remember to fully stroke the piston prior to releasing there will be a leak point where the clutch automatically disengages! It doesn't happen often, but when it does it's more than a little disconcerting!

All of that could of been avoided just by changing the fluid once a year! Now I have to shout it a new Master Cylinder which is boring and expensive!
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rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit   rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 07, 2022 11:44 am

Thanks chaps
took one off my currently in dispose ducati monster -it bled up in 3 pumps looking hopeful
will test tomorrow on way to work
the GRiSO one is half nylon or simalar lined with a plastic piston not seen that before
Regards Steve
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GRiSO Capo
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rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit   rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 07, 2022 12:14 pm

I bought full unit for 8V GRiSO from Demon Tweaks in Apr 2019 - it was only £61; so only £30 north of the rebuild kit at the time....

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GRiSO Capo
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rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit   rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:53 pm

Yep, buy a new one. The PS13B isn't repairable. Or, get a PS12. It can be rebuilt, and has a 12.7mm piston. Allegedly.

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PostSubject: Re: rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit   rear brake master cylinder rebuild kit Icon_minitime1

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